Monday, May 16, 2011

"It Gets Better" Project

The It Gets Better Project was started by Dan Savage and his partner Terry in response to the teens who committed suicide due to the bullying from their peers about their sexuality. He wants to show the youth, who may be hiding their sexuality in fear that they will get bullied, that you can be successful while staying true to yourself. Everyday, videos are uploaded by lesbian, gay, bi, or trans adults who went through the same struggles that these teens go through. They help give advice to them, show them how much happier they are now that they are open about their sexuality, and more importantly, that they are not alone on this journey and that eventually it will get better.

Many important figures, celebrities, and organizations are big supporters of this organization like President Barack Obama, Anne Hathaway, Ke$ha and Google (just to name a few). Organizations like It Gets Better are important because it gives the support that these teens need to keep living their lives and never giving up their fight. Now more than ever, society is putting pressure on teens to act a certain way. It is a shame that these teens, who took their own lives, never got to become their full potential. Sadly, they will never show the world what they had to offer because of the ignorance of other people. It Gets Better shows teens and the rest of the world that it is okay to be different and people need to learn to respect the uniqueness of others.

-Kim Gonzaga


  1. Teen Suicide is a epidemic that is sweeping the nation. The fact that we have organizations and groups trying to help the cause means something. We should ask ourselves what we could do to get involved and help a individual. Many organizations such as “ It gets Better’ helps their patients reach a comfort level about themselves. This organization pin points bullied individual that are picked on due to sexuality. Being a happy person has to do with being a open person. You cant be happy without being true to yourself , and without knowing who you are. Most suicides involve the gay community, this is because they are so heavily pressured to being someone who they are not. They are usually not accepted for who they are. Even President Obama is for this organization. Keeping teens alive is their #1 goal and it should be ours also. Sadly this is not the case, and many die due to lack of compassion and understanding.

    -Carlos Garcia

  2. I think the "It gets better project" was a great organization started for teens suffering from depression and thoughts of suicide, because they are either bullied or being bullied because they are gay.

    When teens watch the videos that were uploaded by adults suffering from the same thing they were going through when they were teens, they will see what great people the adults have become, and will see that they are not alone in this world. I think that it's great that teens have videos and other adults to look towards to in their time of need.

    When many big names join organizations like this, their supporters and fans might want to look further into this to see why they joined it. After that they might be aware of that is going on and try to help other people. I think that what these celebrities are doing is a great thing to raise awareness about suicide and help the organization out.

    -George Hishmeh
