Monday, May 9, 2011

General Information

There could be many reasons for a teen to commit suicide. When adolescence hits, the rate of suicide or attempted suicide increases tremendously. Suicide is the third leading cause of death of people between the ages of 15-24. When a kid or teen has access to firearms in the house, the rate of suicide increases dramatically, and 60 percent of all teen suicide is committed with a gun.
Suicide differs with boys and girls. Girls think about and attempt suicide twice as often as boys do. Girls tend to attempt suicide by overdosing on drugs or cutting themselves. Yet, boys die from attempting suicide four times as often as girls do, due to the fact that they use more lethal methods of attempting such as firearms (guns), hanging, or jumping from heights.
A teen that believes they have an adequate network of friends, family, religious affiliations, peer groups, or extracurricular activities tend to deal with the stress and everyday frustrations of their lives, but those who feel disconnected and isolated from their family, friends and the world tend to be at risk for suicide.

Teens who think about suicide might:
• talk about suicide or death in general
• talk about "going away"
• talk about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
• pull away from friends or family
• lose the desire to take part in favorite things or activities
• have trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
• experience changes in eating or sleeping habits
• have self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or driving too fast, for example)
Some factors that increase the risk of suicide among teens include:
• a psychological disorder, especially depression, bipolar disorder, and alcohol and drug use (, approximately 95% of people who die by suicide have a psychological disorder at the time of death)
• feelings of distress, irritability, or agitation
• feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness that often accompany depression
• a previous suicide attempt
• a family history of depression or suicide
• physical or sexual abuse
• lack of a support network, poor relationships with parents or peers, and feelings of social isolation

Also, there is an application on iTunes from Apple devices called Hello Cruel World which is supposed to be 101 alternatives to suicide. Some of the advice is humorous while others are serious and controversial. It is yet another way media is acknowledging teen suicide. 

-George Hishmeh


  1. I agree with the fact that bullying and assaults do cause teen suicide. It may have to do with the fact that the gay community is looked down upon. Causing them to lack self confidence. The gay community in general is attacked upon for being different, not the norm. As a perfect example, Tyler Clementi , he took his life due to embarrassment and his lack of understanding in who he was. The society we live in is judgmental and do not wish to accept any differences. We all have to follow the mainstream and anyone that doesn’t is a outcast. People should speak up for themselves and be proud of who they are. We should not be afraid of being different in any shape or size. Especially sexuality, we all are people and we disserve to be accepted and shown equal rights. No one is completely alike we all have different styles and all look different, accepting our differences will be the first step to ending teen suicide.

    -Carlos Garcia

  2. It’s a shame to think that other girls attempt suicide twice as much as boys do, but it does not surprise me. Girls are more likely to listen to their peers and look at the different types of media that make them feel even worse about their physical appearance. Though suicide can be blamed on the media, there are also other things such as psychological means in which teens decide to commit suicide. It’s a pity that these teens cannot think they have a way out of their problems without killing themselves. In this age some teens like to casually throw around the phrase: “I want to kill myself” every time they are in a situation that they do no like, but they need to learn that this is not a matter that should be taken jokingly because suicide is a serious issue that takes the lives of teens daily.

    -Kimberley Gonzaga

  3. Suicide is never the answer. I think teens decide to commit suicide because they do not think there is anything out there for them and no one cares about them. Teens must have the support from their friends and family so they will feel needed. The teens who think about suicide seem to pull away from their friends and family until they are completely alone. Abusing substances like alcohol and drugs, which is common in this day and age, also contribute to suicide. Most teens use drinking as something fun to do with friends and do not realize the danger they are putting themselves in. Even though it might be fun at the time, excessive drinking can lead to addiction which can cause suicide. Teen suicide is one hundred percent preventable. Suicidal teens should talk to their family and friends for the support they need before it is too late.

    -Malik Frique
