Thursday, May 19, 2011

Youth Suicide Prevention Program

The Youth Suicide Prevention Program is a great idea for a website. All it was doing is trying stop youth suicide in a big way. The website was created because in 1992 a promising 16-year old student and athlete named Trevor Simpson died by suicide. Immediately after his death Trevor's parents, Scot and Leah Simpson, began advocating for resources and programs that could help prevent other young people from dying. Washington State funded them after all their efforts on trying to put a stop to youth suicide.                                                                         
The Youth Suicide Prevention Program after all their accomplishments today tend to see that your suicide is becoming rarer than before. They stared to see if you the more young people are nurtured and supported about the problem that numbers go down on youth suicide. It also helps to prevent youth suicide by the families being aware of the risk factors of youth suicide. There are also many inner programs that go in the youth seduced prevention program. These programs help bring a group of people to the event so they can be aware of things that’s going on with youth suicides. One the most important jobs are the Youth Advisory Council. The Youth Advisory Council is made up of five dedicated teens and young adults have recently formed an advisory council that is helping the youth suicide prevent program spread the word about this troubling issue.

-Malik Frique

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)

The AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) is a non-profit organization dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education, and reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide.
The AFSP has a certain way of achieving its mission. They have five core strategies consisting of:
-Funds scientific research
-Offers educational
programs for professionals
- educates the public about
mood disorders and
suicide prevention
- promotes policies and
legislation that impact
suicide and prevention
- provides programs and
resources for survivors of
suicide loss and people at
risk, and involves them in
the work of the foundation

AFSP began in 1987, when a number of leading experts on suicide came together with business and community leaders and survivors of suicide to form AFSP. They believed only a combined effort would make it possible to fund the research necessary for progress in the prevention of suicide.
This approach was proven successful with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, and they thought they could do it with people suffering from depression and suicide.
The original founders were concerned with the alarming rise in youth suicide over the past four decades. During this period, the suicide of men has tripled and the suicide of women has doubled. Suicide is now the second major cause of death among high school and college students, and even more common among older people over the age of 50.
Before the AFSP was formed, there was no national non-profit organization dedicated to funding the research to prevent suicide, but that has changed over the course of twenty years.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Jason Foundation

The Jason foundation is a organization that helps teens deal with thoughts and emotions of suicide. The Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI) is a nationally recognized provider of educational curriculums and training programs for students, educators/youth workers and parents. They try to give awareness to the public and to all people, so less teens take their lives. They help parents and guardians learn signs and body language when their children need help. Not only do they help parents with parenting, but they also help direct them be better friends. Parents are your best friends, they care for you and understand you more than anyone does when you are a teen. Their mission statement is, “ The Jason Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to the prevention of the "Silent Epidemic" of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs to equip young people, educators / youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth.” This organization takes things to a personal level because of their lost son who was 16 years old. Jason was taken to this silent Epidemic, and they try to help others. Their cause is truly a great one because saving one life at a time makes a difference. If you can save at least one Childs life then your organization is successful. Remembering that God loves all people equally means that teens should not feel that suicide is necessary. If you come to a realistic point of view suicide is never good. You are not truly escaping anything. You are only cheating yourself of Gods gift, life.

-Carlos Garcia

"It Gets Better" Project

The It Gets Better Project was started by Dan Savage and his partner Terry in response to the teens who committed suicide due to the bullying from their peers about their sexuality. He wants to show the youth, who may be hiding their sexuality in fear that they will get bullied, that you can be successful while staying true to yourself. Everyday, videos are uploaded by lesbian, gay, bi, or trans adults who went through the same struggles that these teens go through. They help give advice to them, show them how much happier they are now that they are open about their sexuality, and more importantly, that they are not alone on this journey and that eventually it will get better.

Many important figures, celebrities, and organizations are big supporters of this organization like President Barack Obama, Anne Hathaway, Ke$ha and Google (just to name a few). Organizations like It Gets Better are important because it gives the support that these teens need to keep living their lives and never giving up their fight. Now more than ever, society is putting pressure on teens to act a certain way. It is a shame that these teens, who took their own lives, never got to become their full potential. Sadly, they will never show the world what they had to offer because of the ignorance of other people. It Gets Better shows teens and the rest of the world that it is okay to be different and people need to learn to respect the uniqueness of others.

-Kim Gonzaga

Monday, May 9, 2011

General Information

There could be many reasons for a teen to commit suicide. When adolescence hits, the rate of suicide or attempted suicide increases tremendously. Suicide is the third leading cause of death of people between the ages of 15-24. When a kid or teen has access to firearms in the house, the rate of suicide increases dramatically, and 60 percent of all teen suicide is committed with a gun.
Suicide differs with boys and girls. Girls think about and attempt suicide twice as often as boys do. Girls tend to attempt suicide by overdosing on drugs or cutting themselves. Yet, boys die from attempting suicide four times as often as girls do, due to the fact that they use more lethal methods of attempting such as firearms (guns), hanging, or jumping from heights.
A teen that believes they have an adequate network of friends, family, religious affiliations, peer groups, or extracurricular activities tend to deal with the stress and everyday frustrations of their lives, but those who feel disconnected and isolated from their family, friends and the world tend to be at risk for suicide.

Teens who think about suicide might:
• talk about suicide or death in general
• talk about "going away"
• talk about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
• pull away from friends or family
• lose the desire to take part in favorite things or activities
• have trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
• experience changes in eating or sleeping habits
• have self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or driving too fast, for example)
Some factors that increase the risk of suicide among teens include:
• a psychological disorder, especially depression, bipolar disorder, and alcohol and drug use (, approximately 95% of people who die by suicide have a psychological disorder at the time of death)
• feelings of distress, irritability, or agitation
• feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness that often accompany depression
• a previous suicide attempt
• a family history of depression or suicide
• physical or sexual abuse
• lack of a support network, poor relationships with parents or peers, and feelings of social isolation

Also, there is an application on iTunes from Apple devices called Hello Cruel World which is supposed to be 101 alternatives to suicide. Some of the advice is humorous while others are serious and controversial. It is yet another way media is acknowledging teen suicide. 

-George Hishmeh

LINK: Suicide Statistics

-Malik Frique


One third of teenagers who commit suicide are gay. More recently, the suicide of a Rutgers University student, Tyler Clementi, was due to homosexual bullying. Bullying can include verbal or physical assaults and can get so severe that these teens find there is no way out of it but killing themselves. It is scientifically proven that homosexual teens experience more victimization than their heterosexual peers. Teens can start to bully others for many reasons. Some teens may feel insecure themselves so they look to bully others to feel better. Other teens may act on ignorance or fear and take it out on their homosexual peers because they do not understand why they are the way they are.

We all live in a judgmental society. As the future leaders, teens need to take action against this type of bullying. They should become more educated on the consequences of excessive bullying. Support from family and friends can go a long way. Together teens can fight against these bullies by creating organizations and support groups. Though there are groups like this out there today, it is still not enough because there are teens like Tyler Clementi committing suicide. If teens can help put an end to this violent movement then the lives of many will be spared, but in reality this is easier said than done. More kids are willing to stay silent when they see homosexual teens get bullied. By doing nothing, they are enforcing the situation. It is important that teens stand up for their peers, no matter what sexuality they may be.

-Kimberley Gonzaga

Body Image

Teen Suicide rates have increased in the past few years. Many teen deaths have been lead to teens being unhappy with their body weight and body image. Forced to fit in and look like the celebrities. At times pushing themselves to be thinner or even at times to gain more weight, effecting their health. “A survey involving 13,601 students in ninth through 12th grade. The findings appear in the June issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, published Monday. About 19 percent said they had considered suicide in the previous year and about 9 percent said they had attempted it.” (

Body dysmorphic disorder, is a disorder in which individuals, usually teens find their body to be imperfect. Causing them to endanger their life and usually leading to teen suicide. People with this disorder are 45x more likely to commit suicide. This shows that body image truly does have a large amount of impact of the lives of many. Teens always are trying to fit in and rarely are they ok with their body and who they are. Oddly enough white teens seem to have the highest risk of teen suicide. I think this has to do with culture, many see people on the television and try to idolize them. People that are in magazines and in commercials are often sought after for their body image and looks. What many people don’t know is that most posters, magazines and commercials are edited. You can change everything from neck size to pupil color. Nowadays its almost like we idolize someone who is not even real after all the editing is done. Teen suicide rates will continue to escalate if people are not aware of what is being done in today’s media.

-Carlos Garcia